I have finished watching the series of "Taboo" yesterday night...
I deeply loved 'Taboo". The terrifying, dark atmosphere pulled me directly into the 19th century of London. An era with regency just before Queen Victoria's reign, the architecture of royals and the poverty of back streets. The nasty air is circulating above London while our anti-hero James Keziah Delaney (Tom Hardy) shooting a wrathful glance at the city. The light seems not to be able to drop its gleam to surface at all...
There is a dead man's funeral by the way. A lady rides her horse side-saddle as she is supposed to do in 1800s. After this cold and nervous screen, a dead man enters the holy church. The lady on the horse, Zilpha gives a quick look to the stranger and these words falling from her lips:
-Has Hell opened up?
James Delaney as I mentioned my preview was known long dead by everybody. It had been heard that he moved to Africa and died in a sunken ship. But he has returned in the first episode with poisonous desires and plans as we understand from the first minutes. Lots of rumours were told about him. Some said he learned witchcraft in Africa, some said he is a mad man as his father, some said he is a cannibal...

And beyond this darkness there is an organisation called 'Honorable East Indian Company'. Mr. Delaney of course didn't return for nothing. He wants to drink the blood of his mystical enemies. He is so pleased to have that toxic land 'Nootka Sound'. I have asked myself so many times " Why does Delaney want to go into a war with Prince Regent and East Indian Company?", " Why is he so eager to make fun of them every time?" Maybe because he is actually and badly mad?
It is a fascinating thing to try so hard (hmm maybe not that hard) for learning the sneaky demons inside a character's mind. From the first episode till the last episode ( I am not gonna give spoilers, no worries ) James Delaney will murmur deep down in your head as he murmurs in front of his enemies or friends. That doesn't matter for him. Murmuring is a way of replying for him and I have found it quite funny. At the very last minutes of first episode, while he was talking with Sir Stuart (Jonathan Pryce) and his brazen faced comrades, Delaney watched well dressed men in front him with an emotionless temper of him and while even a so-called sophisticated gentleman Sir Stuart was using a Taboo word in those times which is 'fucking', he replied excessively with ease "hangee"...
The expressions of gentlemen in the room were priceless there and they were just like "What did he just say?" Oh I laughed so hard.
I will have to say before I finish my review of this episode; Tom Hardy and Jonathan Pryce suits their roles perfectly. Tom Hardy's acting is breathtaking and I would have watched this high quality show only for Hardy if I hadn't enjoy the theme already....
I just happened to find your English blog and I wanted to comment in English as well! It seems like a really good series and my exams going to be over within less than a week so.. I will watch it! (google translate sunar 😂😂 ,şaka kendim çevirdim, güzel bir blog olmuş ben daha yeni buldum :O)