Starring Tom Hardy, "Taboo", a British television drama series catched my attention this month...
Eight episodes are already published. The last episode has been delivered just yesterday. The story of show sets in 1814 and produced by Scott Free London. The creators are Steven Knight, Tom Hardy (surprise!) and his father.
While you are watching the show, you will hear the name of "James Delaney" a lot and the role is played by Tom Hardy. James Delaney returns to London after 10 years in Africa. This is a scary thing when you pay attention to those years. It is 1814 and a dead man just walks through the streets of London. He was considered dead for most of his countrymen.
The deadly legacy of his father has driven him into a war between Britain and America...
The thing is James Delaney is a fearless man who is also always mysterious. I have watched 4 episodes and I still couldn't understand that man. His way of thinking and planning is mostly unpredictable. You will find yourself confused while facing the aspects of this dark person. He may be fairly smart on his own but it is sure he likes to control everything...
As Tom Hardy stated; we will see 'Heathcliff' in this character. We will sense the attitude of 'Oedipus' within James Delaney. People in London also scares of him as if he is 'Hannibal Lecter'. He is an amalgam of classical heroes... A hero who has also immorality in the deep and irresistible straightness to be able to say 'fuck of'...
I will keep watching "Taboo"... And I will be writing the reviews of every episode very soon...